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Community, Country, World

Here we have Marty’s page for everything that doesn’t fit elsewhere. Check it out to stay up on the very best from The Marty Method including:


  • Affirmations

  • Philosophical Quotes

  • Spiritual Inspiration, Rituals, etc.

  • Ugly News

  • Good News

  • Fun Stuff and Funny Stuff


Under Construction.


Politics, Religion, Group Relations and economic opportunities, among  other topics will be available by clicking the arrow. Stay up of lessons from around the United States.


Click the arrow to learn about international stories with world-wide impact on attitudes, health, finance, and other mega-influential factors in human success.

Current Events

  1.      Browse the information below to brush up on Education, Disability and Independent Living news and current events.

  2.      Foundations, Vendors and Service Providers I like.

  3.      Special Interest Iinks give access to informative and compelling content that can be utilized at your discretion.

News Media

     References to person's with disabilities, coverage, placements and inclusion are more common now than ever before. The overall tenor has improved a tremendous amount as cultural and social acceptance rose after the 1991 ADA matured.

     Still stigmas are perpetuated with a wide spectrum of impacts but major advancements in every economic sector for the disabled continue to unfold. I'm constantly encouraged by sincere efforts everywhere to accommodate, provide access and build diversity.  Links to the most compelling stories can be found here on


Links to International Stories, Websites and Resources

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